Lesson Introduction
Rhythm, movement and pattern is not only found on the dance floor; it’s also seen in visual art! While visual art has many faces, many forms and a multiple of media, there are still some basic areas that apply across painting, sculpting, sketching, digital art and architecture. The basic areas, The Elements of Art and the Principles of Design, are the crux of the fundamental approaches to both creating art and analyzing art.
In your journey as both artist and analyst, you have likely become acquainted with the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. This lesson, indeed much of this module, provides a more in-depth look at the Principles of Design, which include visual components like pattern, depth, linear movement, dominance and unity.
Additionally, this lesson explores and defines specific media and some of the process of both selecting and using these media. Media (the plural of medium) includes the materials and related methods that artists employ to translate their unique visions onto sketchpads, canvases and computer screens. Further, this lesson offers a discussion of the links between the Principles of Design and the types of media selected. For instance, an artist would not likely paint most of a portrait in oils on canvases, and suddenly switch to drawing facial features in charcoal, unless that artist wanted to make a very definitive statement with that media. Thus, “Rhythm, Movement and Pattern” in this lesson will be analyzed and an understanding of creating those Principles of Design will be explored.
Guiding Question: Why do we need to know the principles of design?
The Principles of Design are a “common ground” for both analyzing and creating art. These principles are universally accepted across cultural and historical boundaries both as standards to follow and standards to dismiss. One might wonder why it would be necessary as we both create and process works of visual arts why this common ground—the Principles of Design—would necessary or even important. After all, we can look at a work of visual art and decide whether or not we feel it’s “good.” Prior to exploring the major reasons for knowing the Principles of Design, we will define these age-old tenants.
Principles of Design include:
- Visual Movement
- Linear Movement
- Regular/Irregular Rhythm
- Pattern
- Depth
- Perspective (Linear/Atmospheric)
These principles will be explored in greater detail in this module, but a general overview will be provided in this lesson as a basis for discussion.